Friday, November 30, 2018

Original commentary or criticism, Blog stage 7

After hearing the heartbreaking news of president Trump directing U.S. border patrol to spread tear gas on the U.S.- Mexico border to Mexican immigrants hit me very emotional. For me growing up in a Latino/ Mexican household, it has been my dream to visit Mexico and to see the island where my background roots come from. I love being latina; I love my heritage. However, as a kid, my mother always told me Mexico is beautiful but it also doesn’t have the protection and opportunities like America gives people. My mother along with many of her other family members crossed the border to Mexico to the United States seeking asylum. Currently, we still have family members down in Mexico who are wanting to leave their home country and travel to America. With this cruel violence that Trump had administered at the border puts me and the rest of my family at stress. Many people who are blinded by Trump’s orders are not reminded or don’t know that their actions are causing a snowball effect. The solution Trump believes is that if he has “control” under who enters and exits this country, it will better America in population, economy, and wealth. Yet, his solution is causing a bigger problem (snowball effect). From deporting hundreds of immigrants from pulling over people in their vehicles asking for papers to now spraying tear gas in immigrants faces is not helping.
Before writing this blog, I did my research and  I looked up what tear gas actually is. Google provided me with, “gas that causes severe irritation to the eyes to disperse of large crowds”. Not only was this gas used to get rid of a large crowd hanging around the border but was also used on men, women, and children. To see my people being treated like a threat when all they were simply doing was waiting at the border to see if they would be able to seek asylum or a citizenship is very sad. Its brought me to tears because this is what America has come to. America is pronounced to be one of the safest countries to live in and to be free to do whatever you want. Yet, we're not being an accepting country. America is continuing to ban immigrants and attack them. It doesn’t bring any knowledge to me knowing that our first lady is an immigrant. Why aren’t people banning or sending her threats? Why is Trump even married to her? All these questions populate in my head (as I hope to many of you) but it doesn’t seem to make sense. I believe we are all immigrants. People come from many different backgrounds and there is no true law or sacred document that reads people are born from the United States. People are not born into the United States, they are born into the blood they’re ancestors were derived from. You can be a U.S. citizenship but there is no one hundred percent guarantee that your blood or DNA shows that you are American. People are always going to be mixed with some other ethnicity.
I believe if Trump keeps ordering his troops and the border patrol to continue threatening and harming Mexican immigrants soon there will be nobody to cater to his needs. I feel that Mexicans are very hardworking. We will do any hard labor for a low cost just to support our families (When I say this, I’m not meaning to offend anyone because I, myself, am a latina/ Mexican woman). That being said, Trump will not have anyone to cook him tacos, help build houses around the country, and not have anyone to clean up after him. I also feel soon we will be like our other allied countries by having only one person dictate us. President Trump has violated countless amendments and rights and I feel like it’s just in a matter of time that our rights will be taken away from us as well. As for Mexican immigrants or other immigrants I feel like they aren’t going to have a choice but to stay put in their countries. Or maybe this will cause an uprising for them. Hopefully, people will continue to outbreak and become angrier. Maybe then people will research and spread the word of Trump’s awful act of violence and hopefully, immigrants voices will be heard.
As I mentioned in my last blog when I hear the word president I imagine that it’s somebody I can look up to, knowing that this person is going to provide me and others the security and protection of living in America. When I imagine a president I see President Obama. For President Obama is our first colored president he brought change to our country. He’s provided Obama care, he’s visited Austin just to say hello to people, he and Michelle have done many school project work. That is a president!  It’s obvious that Trump is racist and only cares about his presidency because he feels he’s superior and has “power” over the rest of us. I hope that somebody from the house of representatives orders an impeachment from Trump because I can not live in a world that is full of hatred and violence. This is not my future. I hope in writing this blog that this will be an eye opener to many of you. This is a serious situation that Trump has brought upon himself and to others. I still can’t wrap my mind around how someone, like President Trump, can have so much hate in their heart. Spraying tear gas in innocent humans faces is cruel and disturbing. This is what hate is.

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