Friday, November 2, 2018

Original Editorial, stage 5

The article, Trump says he may send 15,000 troops to U.S.-Mexico border discusses the idea of President Trump’s new national security team to keep immigrants out of the United States. The tone throughout the article sounds supportive. It persuades readers and informs them by sending the message of the changes that will be placed if this plan goes as followed. For example, it will mean military troopers will be sent out for deployment immediately the day before the Senate election to patrol the U.S.- Mexico border. The audience targets both U.S. and immigrant families. Most immigrants come to the U.S. to seek asylum. However, with President Trump's new defense mechanism this could break the relations even more with our allied country. Mexico and U.S. are already at war with each other from building a wall to separate territories. So with blocking foreigners from entering the U.S., it will only continue to hurt U.S. and Mexico citizens. It targets military families because it will leave no room for troops to say goodbye to their loved ones. Yet, the U.S. government will be providing temporary housing for troops who will be involved in the movement. President Trump believes in sending troops over to the U.S.-Mexico border will stop the attack of immigrants seeking asylum. However, it’s very condescending because sending troops over the day before the Senate election doesn’t make the immigration policy a secret. It will take away the attention away from the senators and focus on the immigration issue. Overall the article doesn’t criticize but gives insight to today’s issues and another word for problems.

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