Friday, November 16, 2018

Colleagues work

I strongly agree with Thai’s blog post in her. Democracy Fall Back.I believe Facebook is meddling in politics along with other social media content. As Ms. Ha mentions Hillary Clinton in her discussion, it is, in fact, to say, if social media would have not meddled in her running campaign and not leaked those emails, she could have had a further chance of winning the presidency. I, myself, can say I was guilty in this 2016 election because once I saw all of the video posting and news comments about her leaked emails I did begin to question who I was really voting for. So it’s true Facebook does influence users and puts false or half- true information into people’s minds. And people take this into action by voting or rioting. Facebook is not a good quality source where people can get information, especially relating to politics. Also, Facebook and other social media sources are very biased which happens to be a big issue we come across. The world of social media on politics wouldn’t be so corrupted if people kept the news unbiased. If the media just simply threw out the facts and not their opinions, I believe others would have a better sense and be knowledgeable on politics and to what's going on in our government. People can formulate their own opinions. And when media fantasizes over an opinion, most likely people are going to listen to what they have to say. In the middle of the semester, we learned about T.V. companies owning certain T.V. programs. If you look at the,media ownership chart we only have six large companies who own certain programs. And it’s factual to say when a politician wants to use media as a benefactor for their campaign, there is always going to be a ownership who is more democratic or republican. So whoever is watching these news programs most likely these viewers will lean towards a side they can agree with. A perfect example would be Fox news. Fox news not only appears on T.V. but they also have a facebook page that they constantly update. Fox news is a good quality source for local Austin news. However, when they begin talking about politics or government they let their mouths get the best of them. And this information they comment on then gets spread into Facebook. So in this case, T.V. companies are ruining social media as well. Ms. Ha mentions Facebook deleting accounts. This is unreasonable and is a violation of our first amendment. By deleting comments, videos, and accounts is an abuse of not letting citizens be free of speech. People should really reconsider the usage of Facebook when it comes to discussing anything related to politicians and our government because it's clear they don’t like to hear the truth. In conclusion, Facebook is not the only media source that is meddling in our political actions. And if people want to learn about politics or our government I recommend BBC news. They are unbiased and strictly only feed you the facts (at least on the few videos I’ve watched). Again, I enjoyed reading Ms. Ha’s blog post. She contains a lot of good reasons as well as I and I hope this sparks my other classmates to read our responses.

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