Monday, December 10, 2018

Blog stage 8 commentary 2

After thoroughly reading, New Opioid: Miracle or Disaster?" I knew this topic would spark my interest and furthermore push me into commenting on this. I can not agree more with this concern. In working in the healthcare industry and furthering my education into health science I have experienced and learned that opioids, aka, painkillers or other drugs are always going to be a constant debate on who to administer them to along with people abusing them. However, I believe the FDA should be more open to administering Dsuvia. In my experience in working in a pharmacy, we go through many protocols before administering medication. In the company, I worked for I had to watch many modules covering HIPPA laws, blood-borne pathogens, crystal methamphetamine, and patient safety following online exams to make sure I understood the procedures and policies. So, it’s not like we're just administering any drug to any patients. If we did so, the company would be fined and the pharmacists would most likely lose their license to practice. In addition, as a pharmacy tech, we see all kinds of people come in, but mostly the older generation. And we do have regulars that visit, but unfortunately, we do have some who end up passing away and one reason being is they weren’t offered the proper treatment or medication. I believe Dsuvia should be shared not to just hospitals but also to local health family practices and pharmacies. I believe this drug could do more helping than harming because after conducting my research over the opioid I have learned that its a safe drug. With an easy applicator and non-rejectable tract (meant for a one time use), I believe this drug can only be abused if its administer in a multiple time period. In ending this commentary, I hope the FDA will push forward into approving Dsuvia. I think by continuing to strictly follow the healthcare laws and policies that in the long run this could decrease the rate in overdoses and be a miracle into helping many people who suffer from acute, ongoing pain.

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