Thursday, October 4, 2018

Criticism #1

The article, Trump Wants to Turn the Safety Net Into a Trap argues that Trump administration should not go forward with denying government benefits because it will only hurt the community as a nation. This article targets a strong audience to both U.S. citizens and immigrants because most people turn to our government for support when they are in desperate need of help. Without the government’s support to striving independence, people will continue suffering from security and finances. Thus, cause an increase in poverty in our nation for immigrants and American families because jobs will become scarce. With having fewer jobs readily available, the more debt our immigrants and Americans will fall into. U.S. citizens and foreigners value the public programs the government offers. People rely on food stamps, health insurance, and affordable housing in an attempt to provide stable living conditions for their families. Immigrants risk their lives because they believe there is hope for a better life in another country. For Americans, it makes people have a sense of security in knowing that the government provides us with resources essential to us.
The government doesn’t take into consideration the hardworking efforts people fight for their independence. For example, green cards are very difficult to obtain; From filling application status, background checks, and fees, it costs over a thousand dollars. It's a very lengthy process to be licensed as a U.S. resident and most people struggle due to the restrictions the government holds against them. If the government were to deny people from their green cards due to them receiving benefits without legal status it will damage the equality we have with American citizens and immigrants. It denies immigrants the equal opportunity to for a sustainable life. The safety net that supposedly helps prevent our country from falling into a crisis, will only lead people feeling trapped because of the economy’s competitiveness. The government will have to face whether they want to lower or higher wages for the benefit of America. Crime rates and violence will increase due to the lack of accessibility of resources. Protesting will also arise by attacking the government to declare the rights they share with everyone.
The government doesn’t recognize that some people find it easier by settling into a temporary home in the U.S. and then working their way up into a more established and permanent home. The only way they can do this is by having a steady income and gaining the support from the government and their resources. Without having financial support and other available resources it can cause a decline in our political actions. This will discourage voter participation because they will feel that the government does not compromise nor accommodate with their citizens. This will also will begin to disengage people from the public because they will see that our government isn’t a structural unity. Without having a solid foundation for our government system,  soon there will be no directions to what people will agree with. The only response immigrants and Americans will have is a negative attitude to enforce change within our government.
 I strongly support this article because whether you are a U.S. citizen or not, everyone deserves security and equality. Therefore, we should not go forward with the government denying benefits just because people are seeking a better means of life. If the government decides to take away the public resources it only gives citizens and immigrants the option to fight against the movement towards their rights and independence.

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